Cross-border divorce and maintenance: jurisdiction and applicable law / 9-11 september 2015, Lisbon

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Academy of European Law organizes the workshop

Cross-border divorce and maintenance: jurisdiction and applicable law


9-11 september 2015

There are currently around 16 million international couples in the EU. Inevitably when such families break up, family members often end up living in different countries, a situation which is fraught with difficulties from a family law point of view. These difficulties include, for example, knowing which courts have jurisdiction to hear a divorce application and which law is applicable to such a divorce and the issue of enforcement of maintenance obligations abroad.

– to provide expert training on Regulation Brussels II bis, Regulation Rome III and the Maintenance Regulation and their interaction with other EU instruments in the area of Civil Justice;
– to raise awareness of the interrelation of EU, international and domestic legislation on cross-border divorce and maintenance cases;
– to recap the preliminary ruling procedure using practical exercises;
– to provide participants with a practical introduction to the e-justice tools;
– to promote contacts between national judges from different Member States and provide participants with valuable networking opportunities.

The workshop is designed to be practice-oriented and focused on peer and expert training. Access to an introductory e-learning course will be made available to participants before the workshop allowing them to prepare to actively contribute during the training sessions. IT-supported training will also be provided allowing participating judges to familiarise themselves with the existing online tools and make better use of the information available on the e-learning course. Participating judges will deal with concrete situations and be faced with real questions by means of case studies and role play exercises.

This workshop is a project of the European Commission within the framework of the development of training modules regarding European legislative instruments for cross-border cooperation in civil matters, which is implemented by the Academy of European Law (ERA).

Who should attend?
Participation is only open to judges from an EU Member State.

* for more information: +49 (0)651 937 37 411