The Rights of the Child in Practice / 19-20 november 2015, Zagreb

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Academy of European Law organize the seminar

The Rights of the Child in Practice


19-20 november 2015


This seminar will provide training on the promotion, protection and fulfilment of the rights of the child in the context of judicial proceedings. An exchange of best practice and the perspectives of different professionals concerned with children in justice will be promoted with the aim of exploring a multi-disciplinary approach to child-friendly justice.

It is part of a project co-financed by the European Commission consisting of eight decentralised seminars spread across the EU.

Key topics
– General principles and basic instruments for the protection of children’s rights in justice settings
– The children’s right to be heard
– Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
– Interactive methodology
– Case studies; different scenarios to be discussed in smaller working groups
– Role-playing exercises on interacting with children

Who should attend?
Professionals who interact with children in the context of judicial proceedings (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, police officers etc.).

* for more information: +49 (0)651 937 37 422