Virtual Communities in the Age of General Data Protection Regulation (ed. 6) / 14 November 2022, Online
Institute of Legal Research „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” – Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) of the Romanian Academy, Danubius University, Galați, Society of Legal Sciences (Societatea de Stiinte Juridice – SSJ), Department of Political Sciences of the „Luigi Vanvitelli” University of Campania organises
International Conference
Virtual Communities in the Age of General Data Protection Regulation
6th edition, 2022
November 14, 2022, 12.15 – 16.00
Main topic: SMART CITY
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The context the medical crisis also offered the opportunity for forced digitization. Education a was and is one of the main areas in which much has happened changes that affect both data protection and established communities in this environment. Data security for virtual communities in the environment education is a priority and the debate on this topic is mandatory.
The frame offered by Danubius University is conducive in this regard, offering not only hosting conference but also national and international experience in setting up and the functioning of virtual communities.
The conference is a platform dialogue for solving practical problems based on speech guests. The conference is addressed to practitioners, some of the speakers have experience in consulting or are responsible for data protection.
Conference brings together teachers and researchers from the Romanian Academy and centers universities in the country – Danubius University, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology from Târgu Mureș and University West of Timisoara, Transilvania University of Brașov and from abroad.
The works will be published by Wolters Kluwer, in the „Pandectele române” journal.
Conf. univ. dr. Nicolae Dragoș PLOEȘTEANU
Prof. univ. dr. Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU
Andy PUŞCĂ, Introductory speech
Prof. univ. dr. Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU, Introductory speech
Mircea Valentin CÂRLAN, Introductory speech
Keynote speakers:
Andrea BORRONI, The legal transplants of the “Smarter and Greener Europe”: the search for legal prototypes and innovations in the Middle East and North African Smart Cities
Clement NICOLAESCU, The digital framework for social interactions in smart city contexts – new concepts and challenges from IM.CITY
Prof. univ. dr. Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU, Data protection and privacy in the Smart City
– Adrian MANTOIU, Smart City vs GDPR – an analysis of jurisprudence using Artificial Intelligence / Smart City vs GDPR – o analiza a jurisprudentei folosind Inteligenta Artificiala
– Mircea Valentin CÂRLAN, The relationship between European law in the matter of European funds and the national legal framework for implementation in domestic law – instruments for financing smart-city projects [Relația dintre dreptul european din domeniul fondurilor europene și cadrul legal național de implementare din dreptul intern – instrumente pentru finantarea proiectelor de smart-city]
– Drd. Silviu Dorin ȘCHIOPU, Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal în cadrul unui „smart cemetery” [Personal Data Processing Within a “Smart Cemetery”]
– Drd. Raluca ONUFREICIUC, The Transparent Smart City
– Lect. univ. dr. Nicolae PANĂ – E-agora: Measures for electronic security vs. electronic security measure’s (E-Agora: Măsuri de securitate electronica vs. masuri electronice de securitate)
– Drd. Daniela DUȚĂ, The proposal to amend the eIDAS Regulation – the European Digital Identity Wallet / Propunerea de modificare a Regulamentului eIDAS – Portofelul de Identitate Digitală Europeană
Conclusion/ Debate