Ukrainians in Romania – legal struggles and available options. Українці в Румунії – юридичні проблеми та доступні варіанти / June 23 2022

Where: On
When: June 23 2022, 12:00
The conference will take place in English and Ukrainian

The conference is organized by the Society of Legal Sciences. Participants can ask questions on our platform If questions are in Ukrainian, we will translate them to speakers.

Media Partners CEE Legal Matters and BizLawyer


Daria Niculcea Daria Niculcea
Executive Director
Kateryna Balaban Kateryna Balaban
Managing Director, UA.SUPPORT
Cristina Matei Cristina Matei
Communications Consultant, The National Association of the Romanian Bars
Filip Andrei Bulău Filip Andrei Bulău
Medical & Fitness Network Director SanoPass
Ana Cojocaru Ana Cojocaru
Public Information Officer, Romanian National Council for Refugees
Daniela-Anca Deteşeanu Daniela-Anca Deteşeanu
Vice-Dean, University of Bucharest- Faculty of Law
Daniela Goreacii Daniela Goreacii
Senior Associate, act Botezatu Estrade Partners
Stefan Leonescu Stefan Leonescu
Legal Counsellor/Projects Coordinator at Jesuit Refugee Service Romania
Mihai Lupu Mihai Lupu
Advisor to the Secretary of State, Department of Emergency Situations, MIA
Andrei Costin Neacșu Andrei Costin Neacșu
Asylum and Integration Directorate, General Inspectorate for Immigration
Mario Pavlovic /></a> <a style=Mario Pavlovic
Protection Officer, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
Mihail Petcu Mihail Petcu
Senior Associate, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații
Serafima Prodan Serafima Prodan
Lawyer, SECU LEGAL – Real Estate Law Firm
Oana Sârbu Oana Sârbu
Alexandra-Maria Șofineți Alexandra-Maria Șofineți
Daniela Niculcea Daniela Niculcea
Oficial interpreter


Development of an intersectoral, interdisciplinary humanitarian assistance ecosystem.
Asylum seeker, refugee, beneficiary of special protection: what choice ?
Refugees in Romania: challenges faced and ways forward.
UA.SUPPORT- how it works and helps.
How can Ukrainian citizens acquire ownership of buildings and land.
The essential conditions for the registration of a Romanian legal entity.
Fundamental aspects prior to buying a building (construction and land).
Medium/long – term lease agreements for citizens affected by war.
Working as a digital nomad in Romania.
Ukrainians’ access to the medical system in RO.
Basic rights of the beneficiaries of temporary protection.
Cash declaration obligations when entering and leaving Romania.
Impact of the crisis on legislation, information and misinformation, humanitarian law issues, the integration prospects.
Temporary Protection in Romania

Шукач притулку, біженець, особа, яка отримує спеціальний захист: який вибір?
Біженці в Румунії: виклики та шляхи вперед.
UA.SUPPORT- як працює та допомагає.
Як громадяни України можуть здобути права власності на будівлі та землю.
Iстотні умови реєстрації румунської юридичної особи.
Основні аспекти перед покупкою будівлі (будівля та земля).
Середньо-/довгострокові договори оренди громадян, які постраждали внаслідок війни.
Робота цифровим кочівником/digital nomad у Румунії.
Доступ українців до медичної системи в Румунії.
Основні права набувачів тимчасового захисту.
Обов’язки декларування готівки при в’їзді та виїзді з Румунії.
Розвиток міжгалузевої, міждисциплінарної екосистеми гуманітарної допомоги.
Вплив кризи на законодавство, інформацію та дезінформацію, питання гуманітарного права, перспективи інтеграції.
Тимчасова охорона в Румунії


12:00-12:15 Opening of the conference: Daria Niculcea, Executive Director, Kateryna Balaban, Managing Director, UA.SUPPORT, Cristina Matei, Communications Consultant, The National Association of the Romanian Bars

12:15-12:30 Ana Cojocaru, Public Information Officer, Romanian National Council for Refugees

12:30-12:45 Oana Sârbu, Partner, DOMOKOS PARTNERS

12:45-13:00 Kateryna Balaban, Managing Director, UA.SUPPORT

Break 15 minutes

13:15-13:30 Serafima Prodan, Lawyer, SECU LEGAL – Real Estate Law Firm

13:30-13:45 Mihai Lupu, Advisor to the Secretary of State, Department of Emergency Situations, MIA

13:45-14:00 Alexandra-Maria Șofineți, ZAMFIRESCU RACOȚI VASILE & PARTNERS

Break 15 minutes

14:15-14:30 Daniela-Anca Deteşeanu, Vice-Dean, University of Bucharest- Faculty of Law

14:30-14:45 Daniela Goreacii, Senior Associate, act Botezatu Estrade Partners

14:45-15:00 Mihail Petcu, Senior Associate, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații

Break 15 minutes

15:15-15:30 Stefan Leonescu, Legal Counsellor/Projects Coordinator at Jesuit Refugee Service Romania

15:30-15:45 Filip Andrei Bulău, Medical & Fitness Network Director SanoPass

15:45-16:00 Andrei Costin Neacșu, Asylum and Integration Directorate, General Inspectorate for Immigration

16:00-16:15 Mario Pavlovic, Protection Officer, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

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